Richmond Primary School Newsletter 25th October 2023
Principal's Address
Dear Families,
Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed a break over the holiday period and found some time to spend with family and friends.
Our new nature play area is now open, and the students love the space. During the warmer days, they have particularly enjoyed the water play in the river bed.
Thanks to the Coal River Valley Gardening Club for their generous donation which enabled us to purchase some additional plants for the area.
Unfortunately, over the term break, we had many inappropriate postings on social media, this time mainly through Tik Tok. The school did not authorise posts made under a Richmond Primary School banner. These posts have been removed, but it is an ongoing issue, and we need families to support us by monitoring what their children are doing online.
Below are some things that need to be considered when using a social media platform and may be helpful discussion points when speaking with your child/children.
- What is consent when it comes to sharing photos and videos - If you're going to share any images or videos online, it's best to make sure the people featured in the photos or videos are okay with it, too. Ask yourself, 'Do I have consent or permission to share a photo or video of someone?' In the case of negative social media against other students/teachers- this would not be the case. For more information, go to:
- Content Control - Once you post or share something, you lose control of the content. This can have devastating consequences or impact the mental health of people who may not have wanted the image to be shared in the first place.
- Follow your instincts - If students don't feel good about posting/sharing a photo or video or comments on someone or something, they should not post it. What is posted and transmitted online stays online forever.
- Content inevitably forms part of a young person's digital footprint and can have long-lasting impacts on a student's online reputation. Down the track, this might impact job prospects, ability to rent housing and even travel.
- Revictimisation -Every time footage or a post that is disrespectful is watched or shared, the person at the centre of it is re-victimised. The person inflicting the violence or negative commentary also gains further attention and notoriety. Even people who are sharing the content are saying this is okay. This is no different to an inactive bystander who is happy to watch and repeatedly let violence, bullying or disrespect of another happen.
- Online fights/bullying/derogatory comments may count as evidence - content shared online may be used by police as evidence in a dispute.
Most social media sites require the user to be 13 years or older and as no primary aged students are 13 then these sites are not deemed suitable .
The e-safety commissioner website is the best source for all relevant, trusted and up-to-date information to assist families in dealing with issues that arise.
Staffing for 2024
We have a few changes to our staffing for 2024, as both Mrs Woodham and Mrs Caglayan have secured transfers and will be leaving at the end of the year. Mrs Woodham will transfer to Bellerive Primary and Mrs Caglayan to Tasman District School. We wish them success at their new schools and thank them for their dedication and commitment to our students, both exemplary teachers and a great loss to our school.
At this stage, I can confirm that Mr Chris Purtell will teach 5/6 B. Chris is joining us from Windermere Primary, as an experienced upper primary teacher.
As soon as further staffing is approved, I will let the community know.
Tell Someone Campaign
One of the many responses by the DECYP to the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Governments response to Child sexual abuse in institutional settings is the
TELL SOMEONE campaign.
All children in Tasmania have a right to be known, safe, well and learning. We are highly committed to the safety of all students at our school.
Earlier this month, DECYP launched the Tell Someone initiative to raise awareness in the community about child sexual abuse and grooming.
The Tell Someone website gives children and young people clear advice on what to do when they feel worried, unsafe or unsure. It also gives adults advice and support on responding if they suspect or know a child is being groomed or sexually abused or is at risk of harm.
Please visit the website, read the information, and find a suitable time to talk with your children about this issue and the resources available. You must understand the possible signs of sexual abuse or grooming behaviour and how to stay safe online and offline.
If reading this information has caused you distress, please visit DECYP's website for a list of support services.
Don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions about this information.
As you can see in the calendar below, we have a busy term ahead.
Clare McVilly
Turning up matters
We all want the best for our children – for their futures to be as bright as possible. Showing up every day to school matters. It allows your child to learn, grow and find their interests.
This last stretch of the school year can sometimes be tricky. Keep it up, because each day is another chance to:
- be around friends
- learn new things
- find interests
- create dream futures (whatever that may be!).
If you're looking for tips on how to create better attendance habits, visit the
Please always talk to us if you're having trouble getting your child to school. We're here to help.
Drama News
In Drama, our young performers have been keeping the stage alive! They've been grooving with dance, expressing themselves through music and movement, and even diving into the world of rap to project their voices. Plus, they've embraced improvisation with confidence using three assigned words. I am so proud of their creativity!
Kitchen Garden
To celebrate Sports Colours Day children made short bread biscuits then used fondant icing to roll, cut and decorate their sports teams jersey.
Students have voted for their favourite recipe. You may like to try this at home.
Egg and Bacon Pies
Serves 6
- 4 eggs
- 1 and 1/2 cups milk
- 1 cup grated tasty cheese
- 1/2 cup self raising flour
- Ham
- Spinach
- Combine everything together in one large bowl, mixing well.
- Pour into greased trays.
- Bake for 30 minutes at 180c.
The community garden is thriving, with a wide range of vegetables growing. Students spend time during their kitchen garden lesson planting and maintaining the garden, along with our wonderful volunteers.
Tool Skool
This week we have been lucky enough to have Asher visit us from Tool Skool to work with students in woodwork. All students from kinder to year 6 have had the opportunity to learn to use saws and hammers to create their masterpieces. Everyone had lots of fun and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Amazing – it was a first for Richmond getting to do woodwork at school and learning how to do woodwork. Indi O
Usually you get to try it in highschool, so it was great learning to do it before we get there. Sadie B
It was a fun experience. Ella C
I made a boat. It was fun. Xav S
It was fun. I made a blue one (spinning top). Liam B