Richmond Primary School Newsletter Wednesday 6th December 2023
Principal's Address
Dear Families,
It has been another busy fortnight across our school as the end of the year celebrations draw closer. We look forward to seeing you at our whole school assembly in week 9 where all grades will present a short performance. There will be awards recognising academic, citizenship and growth presented to students in years K-5 and the end of year awards will be presented to our Grade 6 students. The Grade 6 students will return to the stage in week 10 for their Leaver’s Assembly, and have been diligently preparing for their send off.
Keep up to date through SZapp, and our Facebook so you don’t miss any upcoming events.
Volunteers afternoon Tea
Volunteers who have contributed to our school throughout the year joined us at a celebration afternoon tea in the old schoolhouse. Our school captains, Levi and Hannah, thanked members of our community for supporting our students throughout the year. Without the help of our volunteers, we would not be able to offer our students’ the variety of opportunities we currently do. Whether it is helping in the community garden, in the classroom, our Lantern Walk, School Association, Maths relays, excursions and so on, we appreciate the input from all of you.
Richmond’s Got Talent
Another fantastic afternoon of performances was had with our talented students sharing their skills in front of the school recently. We had magicians, dancers, singers, mathematicians and many more wonderful talents on display. Well done to Riley, Stella, Emily and Mary-Jane for your incredible performances and for taking out the top 3 places this year.
Lisa Ford – Building Resilience Workshop
We had many parents join us for our first workshop on building resilience, presented by Lisa Ford. Feedback from those present was that it was a highly valuable session, and they left feeling like they had a greater understanding of how to support their young people. Keep an eye out for dates for Lisa’s return in 2024.
School’s Triathlon and Champions Carnivals
Well done to all students who so proudly represented Richmond Primary School at these events. Striving to achieve your goals, and demonstrating great resilience, we are proud of all of you. Thank you to the parents and staff for supporting our students, and particularly to Josette Scott for her continued coordination and support for our triathlon team.
End of Year Reports and Transition Day
Staff are busy finalising their reports to be distributed to families on Thursday the 14th. On Tuesday the 19th students will be able to find out their class placements for 2024 and have an afternoon visit with their new teachers and class groups.
Ben Johnston
End of Year Christmas Raffle
Our Christmas hampers are bursting at the seams, after an amazing response of donations from you all. If you haven't already, return your raffle tickets to the office by Monday 11th. The raffle will be drawn at our Awards Assembly on Tuesday 12th.
Our class has been very busy this term creating art and information posters. In HaSS we have focused on the diversity of Asian geography. We created posters detailing the different biomes we might see across the vast continent of Asia. We created collages of black cockatoos using printing and coloured paper. This linked into our focus in English around Indigenous Australians and the importance of totems.
Invisibility by 3/4A
Student news
Isla and Audrey have recently been recognised for their participation in the Ad Astra Senior Science Week Challenge, through their learning extension program. Over several weeks they researched, designed, tested, reviewed and improved a water filter. The focus and enthusiasm during this challenge is commendable. Well done Isla and Audrey!