Richmond Primary School Newsletter 28th February 2024
Principal's Address
Thank you to our families for helping students have a continued, settled start to the school year. As I walk around the classrooms and play spaces it is pleasing to see bright, happy and engaged young people.
We have commenced our swimming program this week for our Prep-2 students at Oceana. This water orientation program is partailly funded by the school and school association, so that all students have water experiences prior to our Swimming and Water Safety Program for grades 3-5 (happening at the end of June 2024).
Staff have committed to DECYP’s strategic plan that every child and young person is known, safe, well and learning. Teachers and leaders have been developing the skills in establishing a structured approach to literacy and providing multi-tiered systems of support. This graphic explains how the tiered system supports our work here at Richmond Primary School. (de Bruin and Stocker, 2021).
Please be mindful that teachers use the time before the first bell to check in with students and grow a sense of belonging in their class, this is not a time for impromptu parent meetings. Should you wish to arrange a meeting, please contact the class teacher via email or Seesaw to arrange a time. A reminder that teachers are only expected to respond to messages during their work hours.
We look forward to seeing many families supporting their young people at our grade 3-6 athletics carnival on Friday March 8th. We also extend an invitation to all families to join us at an open morning in classrooms on Tuesday March 12th 8:30 – 9:30. Here you will have an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and celebrate some of the achievements of your child in term one.
Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT)
Over the last two weeks staff have commenced Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) in our early years’ classes.
PAT assessments are developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). PAT focuses on assessing and monitoring student growth over time and is underpinned by an understanding that students of the same age and in the same year of school can be at very different points in their learning and development.
PAT data is used to monitor student growth across the school, targeting areas of needs for individuals and groups of children. Results are provided for teachers to inform their teaching, being sure no student falls behind, the results are tracked each year. The PAT reports are designed for teachers.
There will not be, at this stage a report available to send home to parents. Teachers use the data from the PAT assessment, along with other formative classroom assessments to support conversations with parents about student learning. It is mandated across all DECYP schools that PAT EY is administered twice yearly in Prep and Grade 1. Students in Grade 2 - Grade 6 complete PAT in October.
House captains
Congratulations to our 2024 House Captains.
Archer – Finn, Isla W, Max
Thomson – Noah, Kara, Indi
We look forward to seeing them leading their houses at our Primary Athletics carnival on the Richmond Oval Friday March 8th. We are still in need of some parent volunteers, please contact if you can help out.
School times: 8.50 am – 2.50 pm
School supervision on site commences at 8.30am and concludes at 3.00pm each day. Any child arriving at school before 8.30am, is not supervised and more importantly if they then left the school neither the parents nor the school would be aware for some time that they were missing. Lady Gowrie provides before and after school care for students arriving before 8.30am and after school care from 2.50pm in the afternoon. Please see the link below to the Lady Gowrie Tas Website. Enrolment information is available through the website:
Home - Lady Gowrie Tasmania (
Sun Protection at School
Students need to wear a clearly named hat this term for playing and learning outside (including before school when the UV rating is 3 or above). Students who do not have a hat will be asked to play in the designated shaded areas. Sun protection needs to be used until the end of April. Students are encouraged to bring sunscreen to school (please clearly name the container), and sunscreen is available for those who don't have their own in all classrooms. Sunglasses are optional (again, please clearly name these). Microfibre bucket hats and legionaires hats are available to purchase from the school office.
1/2B News
1/2B have been busy getting to know each other and exploring our personal qualities. We made these 'all about me' backpacks and discussed our similarities and differences.
We have been looking at images of impressionist art and created our own Monet water lilly replicas using oil pastel, salt, and water colour.
We have been enjoying making new friends, and playing games together.
Term 1 in Kinder
We have had a busy but very fun first two weeks settling into Kinder!
We have completed puzzles, enjoyed some ice play on the hot days and had fun at singing with the Preps. We had our first visit to the library to see Mrs Scott and to choose a book to borrow. We have enjoyed eating outside with our classmates every day so far. We also had a great time exploring our nature play space.
Aussie of the Month
Aussie of the Month for February 2024 | |
Mary Jane E | Nominated by Mrs Thomas for demonstrating compassion for others and being helpful in every way. Her ongoing respectful behaviours towards others are one of MJ’s many natural attributes. MJ values our school and is passionate about ways to make it a better place. |
Nominees | |
Maggie P | Nominated by Miss Taylor for supporting peers to complete tasks within class and assisting teachers with jobs without being asked. |
Lucy J | Nominated by Miss Taylor for always ensuring that peers from the younger grades are included and supported during break times. |
Henry W | Nominated by Mr Nichols for your mateship and encouragement of others during PE lessons. |
Georgia W | Nominated by Ms Shelverton for consistently showing dedication to her learning and always being a kind, inclusive and helpful member of our class. |
To all our volunteers – have you completed your safeguarding training yet?
Remember you will need to finish it before working with any children or young people this year.
If you are a parent and are thinking about volunteering for us, you can also do the training. You will need this to work with children and young people. Make sure you save the certificate to show you have completed it.
The training is compulsory under new laws designed to better safeguard children and young people in Tasmania. It will help you understand what to do if you believe a child or young person is or may be being harmed, and to make sure you are doing all you can to prevent this from happening. The training will also tell you what you must report under the new laws.
To complete your training, visit Safeguarding Training, or ask at the school office.
Thank you for leading the way in caring for our children and keeping our young people safe so that they can focus on living bright lives with positive futures.
Levies and Student Assistance Scheme
Levies have now been processed, families should be receiving invoices in the mail soon.
Instalment options are by agreement with Lisa Brooks, our School Business Manager. Please note that we are
able to offer flexible and negotiated options to assist parents to budget for this cost if the payment schedule
does not suit your circumstances.
The school accepts payment by cash, eftpos or cheque. Levies can also be paid by Bpay, Centrepay and at Service
Student Assistance Scheme STAS
STAS provides assistance to eligible families by waiving levies for students. It applies to students enrolled in a school from kindergarten through to year 12.
STAS is not a direct payment, but means you won’t have to pay the levy charge.
Are you eligible for STAS?
If you have a current concession card as listed below, you can apply for dependent students for assistance under the STAS:
- Services Australia – Centrelink Health Care Card
- Services Australia – Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia – Pensioner Concession Card
- Department of Veteran Affairs – Pensioner Concession Card
Details re Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) and application forms may be found at:
If you have already been accepted for STAS there is no need to re-apply, please check with the school office if you are unsure on 6260 2191.
Please note: if you hold a current concession card and have not applied before, you must apply, it is not automatically added.
Regretfully the provider we had organised is unable to supply our lunch service this year.
We are actively looking for a replacement and will inform you once we have something organised.
Free Workshop - Autism
For parents, full time carers and grandparents. Join other local families to learn more about autism, support strategies, sensory processing, and ways to strengthen the home-school partnership.
7 March 2024. Thu 9:15 AM - 3:00 PM Bridgewater Library.
Register here:
Reading information for families
Upcoming dates to remember
26th Feb - 1st March | Early Childhood Water Awareness Program - Prep, 1/2A and 1/2B |
5th March | Assembly 2.10pm - 3/4A, 3/4B and 5/6A sharing |
8th March | 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival 10am - 2pm - Richmond Football Oval |
11th March | Public Holiday - Eight Hour Day |
12th March | Open Classrooms morning 8.30am - 9.30am |
13th March | NAPLAN commences |
19th March | Assembly 2.10pm - Prep, 1/2A, 1/2B and 5/6B sharing |
21st March | Harmony Day - students are encouraged to wear orange |
26th March | Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary Excursion - 3/4A and 3/4B |
27th March | Lisa Ford Understanding Anxiety Parent Workshop 6.00 - 7.30pm in the staffroom. |
28th March | COLOUR RUN 1.30pm - students to bring a white t-shirt to wear |
29th March - 2nd April | Easter Break |
3rd April | Division C Athletics Carnival - selected students |
12th April | Last day of Term 1! |
Richmond United - Registration now open
Please use the link below, to register your child to play for Richmond United, If neither or the links work, please filter by 7025 as the postcode and the options will come up.
If you have a ticket to play. Please send Emily a message via our Facebook page or email: and she will sort you with the correct link and your discount code to apply.
If your willing to be a coach for your child’s team this year, please follow this link and register: .
Please don’t hesitate to contact Emily if you’re stuck! It’s a new system, so we are all learning together.
Cut off for registration are Tuesday 12th March 2024.