Richmond Primary School Newsletter 27th March 2024
Principal's Address
Dear families,
I am looking forward to seeing many of you this evening when Lisa Ford - Clinical Psychologist will present on the topic of Anxiety in Children. The session from 6 – 7.30 pm is open and relevant to everyone. Lisa is a very engaging speaker, who speaks from years of experience and the background of having three young children of her own. So, I hope to see you this evening.
On Thursday 21st March we celebrated Harmony Day, with this year’s theme being Everyone Belongs, tying in nicely with our learning inquiry across the school of Belonging.
Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all diverse backgrounds. It is about inclusiveness, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Did you know that half (49 per cent) of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was?
Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country. Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are.
Harmony Day, an event officially expanded and renamed as Harmony Week for its 20th Anniversary in 2019, is a government-declared observance celebrated annually on or around 21st March in Australia.
It was introduced by the Howard government 1999, and coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.
The Easter holidays are upon us and on Thursday prior to the Colour Run we will draw the Easter raffle. Due to the wonderful generosity of our families, we have thirteen prizes to be won. So, if you have any outstanding raffle books can you return them at the start of the day, tomorrow morning.
Thank you to everyone who donated eggs and who have purchased raffle tickets. The funds raised will purchase five large signs to depict our DECYP Values and to purchase other resources for our school.
On Friday 5th April the School Association will hold their Annual General Meeting in the Koala Room at 1.30 pm. All parents and carers are members of the School Association and are welcome to attend any meetings.
The purpose of the School Association Annual General Meeting is to:
- confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, and any Special General Meeting held since that meeting
- receive and, if approved, ratify the School Association’s annual report
- receive and ratify the annual school report from the principal
- receive and ratify the annual audited financial statements of the School Association
- announce the results of the last election of members of the Committee.
So if you are interested please come along.
We run our Launching into Learning (LiL) program on Mondays: 9:15 - 10:30am. LiL is a free program where you and your child can get to know our school. It is a wonderful way to connect to learning and to other families within the local community. It is for families with children from birth – 4 years of age. Mrs Jo McCreadie our Kindergarten teacher runs these sessions and is supported each Monday by Ms Sarah Sinclair, so come along and make yourself known to our friendly staff.
Nature play is used in so many ways by all our students across the week. Stella was enjoying quiet contemplation whilst other students played around her.
Happy Easter from the Richmond Primary School staff to you and your families.
Clare McVilly
Harmony Day wrap up from the SRC
In case you’re not familiar, Harmony Day was introduced in the late ‘90s as a national day for recognising and celebrating multiculturism in Australia. Last Thursday was Harmony Day. We all wore the colour orange (the official colour of Harmony Day) and before lunch we had a whole school photo on the oval. We all wore orange wristbands on the day. Then we all had lunch on the oval with our buddies. Here are some things people enjoyed about Harmony Day this year; sitting with our buddies and having fun with them, learning about each other, the lunch and the wristbands.
Grade 3/4A went on an excursion to Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary as part of our Biological Science Inquiry. We explored a range of living things and classified them using their observable features.
Our cute Easter Bunnies wish you all a happy Easter, and a safe and relaxing holiday break!
5/6A News
This week, Grade 5/6A visited the sculpture garden of Jan and Bevis Ross. Children spent time exploring the beautiful garden with its amazing ‘rooms’ full of creativity and imagination. It’s one of those gardens, where no matter how many times you look, you will always discover something new and interesting. The enjoyment and engagement of the children as they spent time exploring the garden, was just fantastic to see. Many thanks to both Jan and Bevis for their hospitality. Thank you also to Mrs Harpham and Mrs Easton for supporting us on the day.
“It was really fun hunting for the Easter eggs.” – Ollie
“We enjoyed soaking up all the details in the garden.” – Amyra
“There were endless acorns to collect.” – Xavier L
“We enjoyed sketching and looking at all the intriguing details of Mrs Ross’s garden.” - Mackenzie
“The morning tea was fabulous!” – Humphrey
“I was really happy to finally find my Easter egg!” – Isla B
Last week, Grade 5/6A spent time with their buddy class 1/2A as part of the Harmony Day celebrations. We ate lunch together, then in the afternoon we enjoyed discussing what Harmony Day means to each of us. We look forward to further opportunities to work together next term.
Assembly Awards
Class | Achievement Award | Certificate of Merit |
Prep | Mya T - Courage Annie M - Merit Levi W - Merit | |
1/2A | Julian K Tori A | Ivy F - Respect |
1/2B | Zoe W | Olivia L - Growth Georgia W - Merit |
3/4A | Cooper T Oren K | Kyeden F - Respect Sienna C - Kindness Miia D - Kindness Ayesha D - Kindness |
3/4B | Sam M | Charlotte A - Courage Audrey A - Growth |
5/6A | Declan B Max M | Saxon O - Connection |
5/6B | Lily S | Indi O - Merit Henry W - Merit |
Upcoming dates to remember
27th March | Lisa Ford Parent Workshop - Understanding Anxiety in Children, 6-7.30pm in the staffroom. |
28th March | 1.30pm COLOUR RUN - bring a white top to wear Sausage Sizzle lunch - order through the office Easter raffle drawn |
29th March - 2nd April | Easter Break!!!! |
3rd April | Division C Athletics Carnival - selected students |
5th April | 1.30pm School Association AGM and general meeting |
10th April | Lisa Ford student workshops - grade 4, 5 and 6 students |
12th April | Last day of Term 1!!!!! |
29th April | First day of Term 2 |
1st May | Champions Athletics Carnival - selected students |
10th May | PSST State Athletics Championships - selected students |
What to pack for lunch