Cultural Safety and Valuing Diversity

Dear Families,


All staff at Richmond Primary School have been engaged in Cultural Safety & Valuing Diversity training sessions run by Working it Out.  

Working it Out is Tasmania’s gender, sexuality and intersex status support and education service and have worked with DECYP for over 20 years.


As part of our work in creating a school community rich with inclusion and reduced stigma, we are seeking expressions of interest from families in our community who would be interested in a community session exploring the Valuing Diversity Framework. The framework takes a whole of school approach to educate and inspire schools to be safe and inclusive


As an example, the 1hour session could include:

  • a (super-quick) rundown of the acronym LGBTIQA+
  • info about the law and discrimination acts
  • DECYP policy – and why LGBTIQA+ issues are relevant to our schools
  • summary of the work the school is doing in this area (i.e. the staff PL)
  • some myth-busting – esp. in relation to dis- / misinformation and transgender people
Question 1.
I/we would come to a community session run by Working It Out.
Question 2.